Resources for
Training School Survivors
To access individual ward files, call or write:
Cate Parker, Senior Manager
Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ministry of Children and Youth Services
P.O. Box 978, 77 Wellesley Street West, Toronto, ON, M7A 1N3
Telephone No.: (416) 327-6101
Legal Support
Class Action (Koskie Minsky): https://kmlaw.ca/cases/ontario-training-schools/
Loretta Merritt (civil lawyer who works on training school abuse cases): https://www.torkinmanes.com/people/bio/loretta-merritt
Dallas Lee (civil lawyer with expertise in advocating for survivors of sexual abuse in relation to the Catholic Church): https://beckettinjurylawyers.com/practice-areas/sexual-abuse
Documentary coverage of Training Schools
Locked Up (2019), three-part W5 series on Ontario Training Schools: https://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/it-felt-like-a-prison-for-kids-w5-investigates-allegations-of-abuse-at-ontario-training-schools-1.4327718
Until Someone Listens (1998), documentary on Grandview: https://www.skyworksfoundation.org/documentaries/commissions/until_someone_listens/index.html